This is really me
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Welcome to XL-Lentz!
This e-zine is for showcasing my work as a radio personality, voice imaging artist, and filmmaker.

Here I wish to welcome your input and actual help in creating various works of art or atleast near-art.

Soon I will set up a workshop where actors or talents of all kind will assemble to design stories, improvised, and scripted to be photographed with different formats. These works will be sold on the web and all involve will receive a cut divided evenly.

Here is a good place to talk about small independent films and find ways to make exciting drama with no budgets. What stories pull you in? What happens in your life that others might identify with?

I hope you enjoy this e-zine. Be sure to sign my guestbook at the bottom of the screen or send e-mail to let me know what you think (or to contribute articles or ideas). I'll be updating frequently, so check back often!

Clipart of a computer; Actual size=146 pixels wide

November - December 2000

Hear some of my radio and film voice over work.

With the new DV cameras a whole world of storytelling has opened up. You should by all means discover the Dogma95 films to see what is possible.

See some video of my eye operation. Warning! It may load slowly,,, oh and it's gruesome.


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